Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ZPV June Prayer Letter

Here is my monthly prayer letter. Let me know if you want to get a copy regularly...

Dear Zion of Petroleum Valley Prayer Warriors,

Summer begins in the valley while it does not look like it outside. It has been on the cold side. Trish continues to work on her yard and landscape. Jess is just returned from a two week trip to CA after graduation. Ally has returned from her Jamaica trip with the church as well as summer volleyball and basketball. Mike’s foot is healed from impaling it with a nail, and football workouts start soon. All three kids have done a fantastic job in school. For me, I know that someone has been praying for me especially regarding my severe allergies. Now, I only take the prescription medications, and I actually feel normal. I was concerned that it would be fall before I could go the day without congestion, itchiness, and sneezing. We all very much appreciate your prayers.

Here is the latest for us and Zion of Petroleum Valley:

  • Our summer program for kids is called Summer Fest, and it will meet June 29 to July 1 in the evenings. There will be lots of fun and games but especially a Gospel presentation. These kinds of events are very popular in our area, so please pray for our volunteers and those who come.
  • Throughout Zion, we have stressed becoming connected with one another. It’s the difference between going to church and being the church. Please pray for our connectivity especially over the summer with lots of plans and competing activities.
  • As I mentioned in our last letter, our series called Gravity has begun. We have covered the Bible, the Father, and the Son. There is still much weighty doctrine to cover and we want to be accurate.
  • For me personally, God has me working through some “character enhancing” times with me. Don’t worry – I’m fine. This is a good thing. But, I want to learn more than just the facts of following Christ, and the process is tough. Just keep praying.
  • We will be heading to Boston next month for vacation and Jess’ college orientation.

    Appreciate you all so much! Let me know how we can be praying for you! And, check out my blog at http://www.pastorjoeszpvblog.blogspot.com/ for information and musings.

    In Christ,

    Pastor Joe
    Zion of Petroleum Valley

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Fest

Hello ZPV,
As you can see by driving along our roads and highways, it’s kid’s summer camp season. At Zion, we are pleased to see Summer Fest come to the Petroleum Valley campus. It is June 29 to July 1 (Monday to Wednesday) from 6-8PM. It’s a fun carnival for kids from 4 years to forth grade. And, they will hear the gospel message! This is a “Viral” kind of event to spread the Word around. Here are a few important bullet points:
  • We need workers. Drop me an email (joe@zionlife.com) or call 724-445-2142 or let me know Sunday. It’s easy stuff to run the games!
  • Spread the word. While we have posters up and postcards going out, nothing beats the word of mouth. If you have friends, neighbors, or co-workers with kids, this a great opportunity.
  • Start praying! Meet Trish on Fridays this summer at ZPV at noon to pray for not only Summer Fest but our church and community too.

    Hope to hear from you.

    Pastor Joe
    Zion of Petroleum Valley

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What's on my mind?

If you’ve been part of the FaceBook thing, you know that people jot little notes like “I’m washing the dog” or “Watching the game…don’t bother me” or “I’m going on vacation!” I’ve been thinking about pollen. Try not to be overwhelmed by the depth of my thoughts. Actually, it’s all I can think about. As I write, I have burned through yet another tissue, and I have reached the point of wearing a dust mask. Every time I breathe, it fogs up my reading glasses. This year’s allergies are intense. Nothing seems to bring relief. A friend (who also suffers) said, “It’s like waking up sick everyday.” Yep. That’s it.

The other day, I had another sneezing fit which means ten to twelve sneezes right in a row. Yes, they hit me when I drive too. By the way, if you see me engage in multiple sneezes, it’s ok to wait till I’m done; you don’t need to say “Bless you” for each one. I launched into self-pity mode and asked God what is the point of allergies. How is this hyper-sensitivity to pollen making me a better Christ follower or bringing him glory? No word yet.

In WWII, Corrie ten Boom and her sister where thrown into a Nazi death camp. On top of all the abuse and starvation, they had lice. Corrie’s sister could not understand how lice help…until later. The sisters smuggled a pocket Bible into the camp, and they began to read it at night. However, they worried that they would be caught and punished. One of the more experienced prisoners reminded them that the guards would never enter the barrack. Why? They don’t want lice. There’s one good thing about the nasty little bugs.

Hebrews 11 lists the heroes of the faith. Near the end of the chapter, the author summarizes the victories and sufferings of the faithful. At verse 38, he writes, “…the world was not worthy of them…” That expression has always haunted me. They suffered such awful persecution and horrible deaths. I am sure they had their own “why” moments. Yet, their lives did bring honor and significance to God even in the confusing times. If they can take being sawn in two or prison or flogging, I suppose I can endure a few sneezes. I still don’t like and I still don’t understand. If I am ever told the why, I will let you know. And, I need the same grace I suppose they were granted.
Pastor Joe