Monday, June 20, 2011

The End of Cute

Cute isn’t what it used to be. Perspectives change. Five years ago, for example, raccoons looked like cute, furry guys with some nice Bible lesson to teach. Very cartoony and friendly. My dad’s friend had one as a pet (with claws removed). While living in the San Jose suburbs, we gathered around the window one night to see a “cute” little raccoon wash the beetle he caught in a puddle. So sweet! Last week, I shot one at point blank range. My only regret: I had to dig a hole deep enough to keep the dogs from finding him and preventing the smell. Why the perspective change? The latter raccoon killed six of my chickens. He tore five little chicks from their coop. Jerk. He later got one of the adult birds. I learned the carnage will stop once one of two things change: the raccoon dies or runs out of chickens. Some of you will think me cruel. Others get it. Come and raise your pets, invest time, invest money, and see how it is to have a pest (yes, a vermin) destroy over half in a few days. That changed my perspective.

In following Christ, our perspective often changes too. I do not mean so much in the area of core doctrine. I started following Jesus over thirty years ago. He has not changed, but my perspective in me certainly has. The truths are still there. I have always marveled at the blessings I have in Christ (read Eph. 1). I cannot get over how much I do NOT deserve. On top of that, as a believer, I receive honor far beyond comprehension and worth. If following Jesus meant only salvation from hell, I would take the deal in a heartbeat. We get more…way more than we deserve. This is true, but it’s not the end game. While we acknowledge the personal blessings, the perspective should change.

It’s all about Jesus. I do not receive all things from him just because. I need to shout it from the roof tops. I need to encourage those who already follow him. I need to tell those who don’t how great he is. The perspective changes from “Look what I got” to “Look who he is!” None of the truths change. Raccoon statues still make cute lawn ornaments. But, my life counts beyond me, myself, and I. I want to see people far from God discover new life in Jesus. Let him get all the credit. The Apostle Paul understood this when he wrote about his imprisonment, “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel” (Phil. 1:12). Regardless of his circumstances, he wanted Jesus to get top bill. That’s a life perspective.