Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bad news for Petroleum Valley

In the Butler Eagle today, we read the official news story that one of our three major refineries announced a shut down for a few months. My heart goes out to the families affected by this news. I relate to how you feel, for I’ve been on the edge of employment or loss of employment too. What will happen? How will ends meet? What are my options? What steps do I need to take? Wow, the list of unknowns grows and grows.

I would like to do or write something that would be helpful. I wish my actions and words could provide jobs. I fear that platitudes or verses could be viewed as a dry morsel in a famine. However, I would like to challenge with a thought (It may annoy some but please keep reading): There are more important things than a job. Yes, there is a huge reason to stay up late at night and worry. I in no way discount the stress and fear people may feel. But, we can use these times for an inventory. Our families, health, and future really do matter more in life. Protect and guard these even during a lay off. And, take stock of the relationship with Christ. Does one follow him just when things are going well? Can we trust him now even if the evidence does not fit?

Jesus is the Lord not just of Good Friday. One of the best sermons I ever heard was called “Sunday’s comin.’” Today may look like that Friday when Jesus died and all hope was gone, but Sunday’s comin’. Don’t make bargains with God like, “If I start going to church, he’ll give me a job.” When we get our lives right with God, the storms don’t seem to matter as much. Yes, the storms are still there and seem like they will tear the roof off, but they can howl all they want. Jesus challenged us to love him more than anything because he really is all that matters.

If someone thinks I have this down and all figured out, think again. I wish I did. I am sure there are so called pillars of strength I rely on instead of Christ. But I have seen it and heard it when people better than us have abandoned such pillars one by one only to find trusting in Christ the only unshakable foundation.

Pastor Joe

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