Wednesday, February 11, 2009

180 Degrees

As I write, the snow and ice are melting. Our parking lot was pretty slick for a while, but it's getting better. No more sliding around when you come into the lot! So, it's safe.

Speaking of safety, I would like you to consider doing something outside the safety zone. When we come to church, we see friends and family and want to connect. Yea, we even stress connecting with one another. But, we need to be aware of new guests and friends too. We have a team of folks who make it their job to greet people. That's good, but it cannot stop there. I would like to challenge us all to make 180 degree turns. NOT OUT OF CHURCH! I mean when we sit in our seats, turn around 180 degrees and meet someone new. This is outside our safety zone at times, but these opportunities help us maintain a warm and welcoming environment. Ask them out to lunch or downstairs while we have the Gibson life group there after church. So, let's make the turn!

Here are some activities coming up:
  • Next New Guest Reception is March 1 after church.
  • The Case for Creator EQUIP class is now over, but we start the Old Testament EQUIP class called Bible Story 101 starts Feb. 24 at ZPV at 6:30. We will trace the OT story and how it points to Jesus. Three more classes (Bible Story 201, Mentoring, and Relationships) start March 4 at ZCC too. See the worship folder for a sign up. Childcare is available on request.
  • The Easter Egg hunt is April 4 at the UAA ball fields in Karns City. This is a fantastic outreach for our community. We have eggs to fill and plans to make. We will also need helpers, registration table help, coffee & hot chocolate servers, face painters, etc. that day. We will be presenting the Easter story as well. Please let me know if you would like to help.
  • This is the last Sunday to get supplies to Pastor Trent for his trip to Jamaica. However, later in the year, we will be asking again for our youth team heading out in June.

I am really enjoying the Put Your Clothes on series with you! Please join us this Sunday as Pastor Brandon will bring the message.

Starting in March, we will have a short series called Green. What does the Bible say about the environment and our use of it?

See you then!

Pastor Joe

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