Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ZPV August Prayer Letter

August 19, 2009

Dear Zion of Petroleum Valley Prayer Partners,

In just a few weeks, school opens, and we wrap up another summer. Continue to pray for ZPV as we are almost in the middle of our second year. And by the way, thank you for all the support as the Olkowski’s celebrated our second full year at Zion. God is working here, and it’s our privilege to be part of it.

Here are the prayer needs for ZPV:

  • Our combination meeting, DRIVE, with both campuses is August 30. Please pray for continued unity for both sites.
  • As school starts, so will our youth meetings at our home and after Friday night Karns City High home football games at the church. Pray for God to impact these students.
  • Our new EQUIP classes start on September 15. We will have two (yes, we’ve doubled our number of classes!) offerings this year for the adults: Bible story 201 (OT Testament with poetry and prophets) and a Beth Moore study on the fruits of the Spirit for the ladies.
  • On September 20, we won’t go to church (ok, we will for a bit). We have our first ever One Day event where we will go out and bless our community with work projects. Both Zion campuses will participate.
  • As a whole, Zion would like to see the commitment to pray rise in our church and in the area. We have some ideas, but the best way is for God to convince us! We want to trust Him to work and not just us doing things on our own. Pray for the mission and vision of Zion as a whole.
  • For the Olkowski’s, our first birdie leaves the nest over Labor Day weekend. Trish and I will take Jessyca to Boston while she attends Northeastern. Ally’s (sophomore) volleyball season will start soon as well as Mike (8th grade) in football. We are excited about the school year for all three kids.

    You receive an update from me each month, but feel free to let me know how you are doing. You can email me at joe@zionlife.com or directly to ZPV’s address.

    You are a blessing to us!

    In Christ,

    Pastor Joe
    Zion of Petroleum Valley

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