Friday, November 20, 2009

Images: from head to heart

Our past sermon series at Zion will go down as one of my favorites. We have covered God’s images of the church: Bride, Temple, Body, Priesthood, Flock, and Family. These are not inventions of the church itself. They are how God himself view us. To say they are profound truths smacks of gross understatement.

Like much truth, it’s not enough to know it. Our world thinks that if we just educate people, they will be better people. But, we post warning labels on cigarettes and fatty food and extension cords, but the information does not make people better. As the metaphor states, there is a huge difference between head and heart knowledge. These images of the church must be more than just facts. Their implications are galactic.

Besides what we have said on Sunday, each image conveys power and responsibility. Every church and every church member needs to see the significance of this power. We can always use a wake up call.
o We know that as the bride, Jesus is working in us to present us holy to himself.
o As a family, we should have trust and intimacy. Let them not be abused.
o We know that we are a body, so why treat others or act like cancerous cells?
o We know we are a Temple, so we cannot build outside of the foundation of Jesus. We can topple if we build structures, systems, and plans outside the footprint.
o We know we are a flock, so we should listen to the Good Shepherd instead of the thieves.
o And, we know we are priests, so why not open our mouths and be ambassadors for our God?

Too many churches and Christ followers can identify these images on a doctrine test. But, do they recognize the impact they have on a church or other Christ followers?

Pastor Joe

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