Monday, January 18, 2010

The Voices in my Head

Ok, this is the last time I’m telling the story. Everyone wants to know what happened to my eye. It looks like Trish slugged me. While innocent of that, I was trying to fix the garage door for her though. I noticed that one of the wheels was off track, but I needed to remove a part in order to correct the problem. Enter the voice in my head. It said, “Don’t do this alone…the part is attached to the spring…dangerous…get someone to help you keep the tension off the spring.” I did not listen to the voice; I thought I could do it myself. While I did remove most of the tension on the spring, once loose, the part flew out of my hands, smacked me right at the eyebrow, and left a gash. No stitches needed, but I did do some impressive bleeding. The swelling has gone down, but the blood has pooled into a nice bruise.

Last Sunday, we saw Jesus’ example in prayer. If the perfect human of all time needed to spend time in prayer, how much more do we? When we pray, we express our dependence on God. But like me and the garage door, we want to do it ourselves. By not praying, we show our arrogance. Asking, praying, and depending on God is a mark of maturity. And with garage doors, it’s less painful. We have this great gift of prayer available to us to help us in times of temptation, need, service, pain, and even in success. I encourage you to read the first part of Luke 11 for more insight directly from Jesus on prayer.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Joe,
This is Judy Birmingham...I clicked on your blog and was very encouraged by your stories. I still remember them from over 4 years ago when you were teaching at Celebrate Recovery. I miss your teaching. Tom and I have moved to Truckee, CA (we are also in the snow) in June 2009. We have become members of the Church of the Nazarene and are getting ready to launch CR here. Thank you for all your support and encouragement during our time with you at CR, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Even though I was a pain some times. :o)
God Bless you and your family. Judy

Pastor Joe said...

Thanks, Judy! Great to hear from you. And, I don't remember you ever being a "pain."