Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ultimate apologetic

I had a friend who’s car suddenly stopped dead. It ran perfectly moments earlier. He popped the hood and checked a number of possibilities. Others came to help and mentioned that their car did the same thing and it was this or that. Fill in the blank. None of it corrected the problem. Wait…could it be? Yes, he ran out of gas. Hours were spent on the possible solutions at the neglect of the obvious.

As Christ followers, we spend tremendous time on good things, but sometimes we forget the obvious. But, it’s a pleasure to see us account for the obvious. Last week was a tough week for the family. One of our members experienced a tragic loss. The body sprung into action and genuine concern. Not only did this begin the long journey of healing for one of us, it spoke to the community. They saw more than just activity or program. They saw what Jesus said they should see: By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another (John 13:35).

I support all we can do to minister to one another and reach our community. But, I am especially pleased to see when we don’t neglect the obvious. God is among you, Zion. Keep shining.

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