Thursday, August 19, 2010

ZPV August Prayer Letter

August 19, 2010
Dear Zion of Petroleum Valley Prayer Team,

Thank you for all the prayers and support for Jessyca and me as we made our trip to Prague. Our team did well. This is a closed hearted place, so career missionaries spend months (even years) building relationships to see fruit. We will send out a report letter soon; let me know if you want one (you will automatically receive it if you responded to our initial prayer letter).

Another summer is coming to a close. With school starting, let’s focus on students:

• While the situation has improved, we may not start school on time (Sept. 1) due to labor negotiations. Pray for final contract issues to be resolved.
• 5th Quarters start on Sept. 10. ZPV is a fourth mile from the high school, so we open up the building after home varsity football games for fun, food, friendship, and some Bible. We build relationship with students by giving them something to do after the game.
• FUEL starts on Sept. 16. This is our small group study with students.
• Save a Life! If you recall, last spring I reported that a teen, whose mom attends Zion, committed suicide. It was a difficult time. But, our God raises amazing things from ashes. Save a Life starts as an event on 9/11 at the Petroleum Valley Youth Center – not far from ZPV. This is a community wide event with several organizations and churches involved. The goal is to provide students hope in Christ and life resources that they may not turn to suicide. Please be praying for the students to hear!
• I hear good things from students. Many reported stories to me of what God accomplished in their lives over the summer. They made commitments to living godly lives, making a difference on their campus, abandoning hypocrisy, sharing their faith, and considering the ministry as a career option. God is working in our next generation.

And, please pray for One Day on Sept. 5. All three Zion campuses will be out of the buildings and into the communities serving where we can. This includes projects for communities & individuals as well as visiting nursing homes.

One more…Zion of Jefferson County launches 10-10-10!

Feel free to send me a note of how I can pray for you at or snail mail to the address below. Thank you for supporting Zion!

In Christ,

Pastor Joe
Zion of Petroleum Valley

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