On one hand, we try to purchase the least expensive product. Many generics are just as good as the name brand. On the other hand, some substitutes don’t cut it. I buy a name brand garbage bag that maybe more up front, but I use only one bag instead of doubling or tripling the cheap ones. Sometimes, we go with the name brands because we must.
Paul writes a heartbreaking passage for him to write and us to read in Phil. 3:18-19, “For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.” Even in the early church (historically and geographically closer than us), people fell away. They became enemies of the cross of Christ. Time and space does not allow a discussion on losing salvation. So, regardless of one’s view, look at the description of those enemies. They have settled for a generic instead of the Name brand.
They traded down to a destiny of destruction. They replaced the God for another god: their stomach. Paul could easily be referring to their desires and not just food. God’s glory is replaced with shame. Earthly mindedness replaces the heavenly mind.
How? Why? The explanation can be found in the Parable of the soils. Some of the word just got choked out. Others had no root. Paul warns them in the previous verse to follow his example. Be diligent. It can happen. We can settle for cheap imitations. Chilling. I want the brand name when it comes to Jesus. I need to be on guard against cheap hucksters who over promise with cheap facsimiles.
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