Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bunny travel

Time to hippity hop down the bunny trails.

I continue my journey through Philippians. I love Paul’s not so subtle conclusion after he encourages to forget what lies behind and press on (persecute) to what lies ahead. He then writes, “All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you” (Phil 3:15). So, if I’m immature am I off the hook? Well, we like to think of ourselves as mature, so we had better agree. But, if you do not think accordingly, GOD WILL DEAL WITH YOU!

Here, my thoughts travel the bunny trails.

Trail one: God loves me enough to correct me on this issue. The underlying principle is that he loves me enough to correct me on all issues. He will make clear how I need to mature. Nice.

Trail two: Zion has been working on Generosity to start 2011. Just because one preaches a topic, does not mean one has “arrived” there. This series causes me to think hard about my own heart when it comes to generosity. I have thought differently before, but now God is making it clear. His grace inspires more generosity. I will reap what I sow, so why not sow all I can into God’s kingdom?

Trail three: How can I do that? Am I holding on to my time, abilities, and money where I should be generous? Where am I investing these resources that come from God in the first place? And most of all, will I stick my neck out, sow what I have knowing that there will be a harvest?

Pastor Joe

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